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Oh Oh! it has been a week since I wrote something! I better get in gear and do something about that! The week slipped by with some busyness but it seems like I did a lot of reading and lounging around too!
Oh Oh! it has been a week since I wrote something! I better get in gear and do something about that! The week slipped by with some busyness but it seems like I did a lot of reading and lounging around too!
Last Monday Lynn and I went up to South Florida Community College (in Avon Park) to a concert by the Navy Band. It was wonderful. The college just built a new auditorium and the acoustics and views are excellent. I think the most impressive piece that was played was called Fantasie Brillante on Themes of Bizet's Carmen. It was a showcase for a brilliant performance by the piccolo soloist. She was superb! We figured she had to have at least 3 tongues to do what she did. (hehehe). The whole show was great and varied.
The Orange Blossoms are starting to bloom and they smell divine!
The next few days of the week went by with me getting a blood test and then going up for the results at Lake Placid Hospital. While I was there I saw a flyer for a chili competition to raise funds for the hospital so I asked some questions about it and am seriously thinking of entering the competition ($15 entry fee). It is on Wednesday and they said they just bring a crockpot full of their chili there. Only problem is Lynn doesn't have a crockpot! I guess I could go buy one but I doubt she would use it if I did get it. I have too many at home to get another one. The next problem is what chili recipe to make. My old standby chili or maybe Annie's white chili that I love! The lab tech mentioned people do make that too. I guess I'll cogitate on it a little longer! Maybe we'll just go up there to see and taste all the other chilis. It is $5 for the Bar
B Que and tasting. I told the ladies they weren't going to make much for their fund raising but it really is mostly a PR thing to get people up to tour the hospital, I guess.

Breakfast at Main Street Diner is a must!
The cousins and spouses. Kathi fixed up this picture for me and I really like it!
We had dinner with some friends of Mike and Sandi's from Michigan and Maryanne. Then we sat up and visited until after midnight. A fun time. Their condo is very nice and compact but they have upgraded, remodeled and decorated it and it is lovely. The next day we went over to Maryanne and Bob Duracky's home and again it is very nice. They have done a lot of work upgrading and decorating and it looks great! They have a large corner lot that they are working on now! That afternoon we drove back to Lake Placid (only 53 miles away!).
The weather was warm and sunny with no wind when we got home but today it is cooler and overcast so although yesterday was the first day of Spring it still is unusually cool here!
Azaleas in full bloom in the yard
ReplyDeleteIt's finally warmed up here and the daffadils startig blooming today; by next week I supse the cherry trees will be in full bloom. Barb and I caught the flu last week, it only lasted a couple days for me but Barb was really sick and at one point we thought a trip to the hospital might be in order. She's finally somewhat stronger today so maybe she's in recovery mode. Jenn and Burton are in he process of buying a house down in Woodbridge probably 25 miles south of here. We baby sat Caitlin yesterday while they were on their final inspection trip.
Eter your Chile - good luck.