Here we are in Lake Placid, FL. Today is sunny and nice but chilly. It is supposed to go down to 19 degrees tonight!!!! They have already had several big frosts this winter and the palm trees, banana trees and other plants are looking pretty sad. So much for global warming! Anyhoo, I still haven't got out my summer clothes. Maybe by Sunday......

Sand Crane pecking the bay window in master bedroom!
Today, Lynn and I are going to try to ride a bike Rhonda lent them to see if it will work with Lynn's arthritic knees. I think I can do it since I rode bikes with Kim when we were in Maryland. I have a feeling there will be a photo op involved, though.
Lynn and Bill have been having problems with their window replacements. I can't believe what the window people did! They tore out the marble window sills in order to put in the windows (without even mentioning they would have to do it.) and then just left the windows without finishing the hole where the sills were!!! They then refused to do anything else because it was not in the contract but, by the way, they did have another business that could finish them! What a rip off!!! I can sit here at the computer and see daylight under the window in the bedroom. They didn't even seal the windows!

Damaged bathroom window. Notice the gazebo out the window
Yesterday morning, Rhonda (neighbor across the street) came over to say hello and have a cup of coffee. She is a real puzzle person and and we got going on a puzzle she and Lynn had started a few weeks ago and we couldn't stop! Finally about 2 PM we forced ourselves to stop! Here's how far we got!
Hey Penny, how about a pix of you and Lynn together. Maybe you've both changed a little since Backwoods days? Sue