A fireman in pink regalia poses in front of Tonya the newest truck of the three at Hammond's Candy Company |
A couple weeks ago JJ, Cathi, Becci, Bob and I took a free tour of Hammond's Candy Factory near 58th and Washington here in Denver. It was fun and very interesting, plus we got free candy! I took lots of pictures and will write a blog on our tour later. While we were there they were promoting a Women's Cancer Awareness Day the following week. Bob and I were very interested in this and so we went last week.
It is a tour called Pink Heals and is sponsored by a group of firemen who travel around the US in pink fire trucks and wear pink to support women's cancer. They had booths, a bouncing room for kids, prizes and of course, pink candy made right there. The firemen, dressed in pink fire gear and cancer survivors worked on the candy line in the factory while tour guides read the stories of the survivors. We did not go inside because Bob did not think he could listen to the stories and we had seen the whole procedure the week before--just not making the pink candy.
Elaine has every inch inside and out covered with signatures of survivors and supporters! |
We did visit the pink fire trucks and signed one of them and visited with the traveling firemen and the founder of this organization, Dave Graybill. It was very inspiring.
Bob signs Tonya, the newest pink fire truck to visit here. |
Dave explained his philosophy to us. He believes that cancer is every bit as much of a terrorist as Al Quada. He also thinks it is up to the menfolks to support and protect their women from this terrorist, cancer. He gives up 6 months of his year to travel around raising awareness of this. The firemen who accompany him give up 2 weeks of their vacation time to help him. They have 7 donated fire trucks that they have painted pink. There were 3 at Hammonds. The money raised selling the candy that day goes for cancer research locally. The firemen donate all their time and have to raise the money for gas and travel expenses through donation and sales of shirts, caps, etc. We visited with firemen from AZ, RI, IL and MN. His group is stationed out of Phoenix.
Dave explains his philosophy to channel 9 TV News. The truck he is sitting on pulls the trailer with the ribbon on it. Every inch is covered with signatures! |
Dave was telling us he hopes to get a tank and paint it pink to travel around someday! That would be a fun one to sign! He also says his next project is to get some blue fire trucks to travel around in support of men's cancer, as well. A very interesting and dedicated man. He has lots of stories to tell about how each of his trucks got their names and about people he has met through this experience. Each fire truck is named after a woman he has known who has cancer. The stories are very inspiring.
Bob and I show some of the signatures on Elaine. |
There were 3 local fire departments there, as well, with booths and emergency equipment. As we were arriving, one of the departments ended up driving out to a fire with emergency lights flashing! If you get a chance, be sure to go out and visit the pink fire trucks if they come to your town. It is fun and interesting and a good cause to support. The money they collect goes to local cancer projects.
Our contribution to the signatures on Tonya. |
Karen, guardian of the ribbon, covered completely with signatures--an impressive sight! |
This tall guy is a local fire department symbol. Dave wants a pink tall guy! |
A group of firemen pose in front of one of the engines. |
We show off our signatures! |
A man and his son sign Tonya with the candy factory in the background. |
Cool post! Nice job.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such a great write up. Can I post this on the Hammond's Facebook page?
ReplyDeleteAndy from Hammond's
Absolutely! We enjoyed a tour at your factory as well, and I will be posting a blog on it with some pictures too! Feel free to repost anything you like.
ReplyDeleteWow!! This is cool! Hope they get the blue fleet going as well. We are proud of dad for fighting the fight I know he will win the war. Hopefully this is the last cancer battle he will have to fight.