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The cousins and Meemo ready to play How To Host a Murder in their costumes. |
I got a message from my grandson, Colton, today and he is moving into an apartment at college. He is going to have to do some cooking I guess and wanted Grampa's stew recipe. That brought back memories of the summers when all the cousins came up to spend time with us. It was like summer camp! I did most of the cooking but every so often Bob had to make his famous stew known by some of the cousins as Grampa's "Disgusting" Stew. Those were the ones who hated vegetables and anything that had them in it. I was surprised to find out as they grew older that most of them actually liked the stew and would request it when they came up to the cabin or would ask Grampa to make it at their houses when we would visit! There never has been a written recipe for it but I have Bob here and he can add his two cents to the recipe so Colton can have his stew! The main piece of equipment that you will need for this is a crockpot. I know Erin and Chris have one but am not sure of the rest of the kids. So you may have to go to Walmart or request one for a back to school or early Christmas present! OK here it is, kids!
The cousins hike to the Thinking Rock with Aunt Carla and Louie. |
1 lb. of stew meat ( if you love lots of meat add more)
We, of course, use Danny and Kathi's meat from Nebraska and hopefully Colton and Chris can too.
2-3 large potatoes peeled cut in bite size chunks-- How many depends on the size of the crockpot and potatoes
4 big carrots peeled and cut into bite sized chunks
1-2 medium onions--cut into about eight pieces each. Depends on how well you like onions.
2 cans tomatoes chopped with the juice -- you can buy them chopped already or buy them whole and chop them yourself
Fresh or canned mushrooms (2 little cans) sliced or pieces and stems if you like them or else leave them out.
2 beef boullion cubes
Salt, Pepper to taste
1 tsp. Thyme
1/4 tsp. red pepper (cayenne) for heat. You can taste and add more if you like
1 cup white wine (for those who are over 21 only!)
1 can corn with juice (optional)
1 can peas with juice (optional) Can use one or the other or both
Grampa always uses a 6 quart crockpot so you might have to cut back on the amounts of vegetables if you have a 4 quart one.
Put all ingredients except peas and corn into the crockpot and set it on high (low if it is going to be 7 or more hours before you get home). Add enough water to fill up your pot. It should cook about 5-6 hours on high. About 1/2 hour before you eat add the peas and corn with juice. If you are home you can check every so often and add more water if it is cooking down. If not home, when you do get there check and add more water if needed.
Dish into bowls, and enjoy with some good bread!
Grampa never thickens his stew!
For those of you near a farmer's market you can use fresh produce! It should taste wonderful! Even the thyme could be found there! The corn that you have leftover from the Panna Cotta recipe I had on my blog last week would be very good to use too! Lots of times I use some garlic in this recipe too.
I don't have any stew pictures for you since we are in Denver in 96 degree heat and don't have our crockpot here to make it! So I will just put on some random pictures I like!
This blog is dedicated to Micah, Nick, Paul, Erin, Colton, Chris, Brendin (who probably will never make this "disgusting" stew), Thomas, Skyler, and Darcy. I think Grampa has made it for Kim and his great grand daughters Susie, Sammi, and Little Nat , too!
Some of the cousins preparing for the boat race competition. |
And the boats are launched! |
Participants in the yard clean up competition. |
Uncle Jim provided prizes for the competitors. Are those squirt guns on Erin's lap???? |
Aunt Carla helps the boys make their Fisherman Fred squares for the generational quilt. |