Eating ice cream in Fredricksburg, TX on New Years Day. |
After a 2 month rest, here I am with some fresh ideas and a few pictures. For some reason I just couldn't get motivated to sit down and write even though there is always plenty for me to say!
The girls show off their butterfly pillows they learned to make in my "home school sewing class".
One reason I haven't been working on my blog is because I have been reading some very engrossing books that I feel the need to mention. The first is Tom Clancy's latest book "Locked On". Bob got it for Christmas and we both read it while we were in Texas with Micah's family.
A very good read especially if you are a Clancy Fan. |
This is the back story on John Clarke one of the characters in Clancy's John Ryan books. Full of action, blood and guts but I liked it. |
It was so good I checked out one of Clancy's older books called "Without Remorse". They have been trying to make a movie of this book since 2008 but still haven't got it done. These plus several other books Kim wanted me to read, kept me interested so that I didn't have time to write in my blog. Of course we had other things to do there as well.
Bob, Micah, and Kim enjoy the warm afternoon in Fredricksburg, TX on New Years day. |
I figured I would have more time when we got up to windy, frigid Casper and I couldn't fit my Christmas book from Paul (11/22/63? Not sure of the date now) into my luggage when we flew up to Wyoming. When I got there, we had a lot of things we wanted to do and I had kind of gotten out of the habit of writing in my blog.
A Taste of some of the things going on in February in Casper, Wyoming!
Carla's and my pottery decorating attempts done at Pottery By You. |
We had about 9 deer come visit the house. These were right under the window in the yard. Some even climbed several of the front porch steps! |
A coffee or hot chocolate pot Carla and I decorated. |
We did a lot of dog sitting with Izzy and I had to sweep up loads of white hair all month as she was shedding her winter coat! |
A travertine formation in Thermopolis, WY. It is formed from minerals in the hot springs. The water is bubbling up through a pipe and it is pouring over the sides. The whole thing is a mineral formation that just keeps growing! We spent a weekend there "taking the baths" and sight seeing. |
Then Carla gave me a gift card for Audible.com and I had 3 free to me books to choose for my listening pleasure! I had several books my friends on Facebook had been recommending. It was a tough choice but I finally picked "The Hunger Games".
The Hunger Games trilogy. You won't be able to quit after reading just one! |
Wow! It was a great choice. Both Carla and I read (listened to) the whole trilogy in 4 days! It is a riveting story for adults as well as teenagers.
Katniss takes aim! |
I can hardly wait for the movie to come out. I hear it is coming in March so maybe I won't have to wait too long. I hope they do a really good job with it.
Some of the Tributes from the movie. I think there is a contest going on to win an arena Tribute jacket. |
The set designers, costumers and hair designers must have had a great time doing this movie! I am still having dreams with this book in the background!
I kind of liked that the books were audible. The whole story seemed very intimate. (I used ear phones to listen). I felt like I was right in the middle of the action, but maybe I would have felt that way reading it too. One thing I didn't like about only listening was that I couldn't see how the names were spelled so I couldn't remember them as well. Weird, how visual can you get! I guess I will read a review or summary of the book on Amazon so I can see how those names were spelled and I’ll remember them better.
Haymitch and Katniss. Woody Harrelson is playing Haymitch in the movie. |
Well that wasn't so tough to get back in the groove so maybe I will get going on this blog again! We are leaving for Phoenix in a couple days and I do have several adventures to talk about, some recipes and memories, too.